Based in a tiny village, called Bathurst,
south africa
Richard Pullen
Ceramic Artist
About me
Master Potter
-since 1998
Based in a tiny village, called Bathurst, in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
One of the big moments in Richard’s life was discovering clay at the age of 15 during Sculpting class at school. This was a real eureka moment for him.
Richard went on to study Art & Design at the then Port Elizabeth Technicon, now part of Nelson Mandela University, and set up his successful studio in Bathurst 25 years ago.
Richard is passionate about his materials. He makes all his own glazes and usually his own clays.

a variety of styles

workshops and demo's
Learning Together
Richard has presented demonstrations on throwing and altering pieces along with workshops sharing inside secrets on his exciting smoke firing technique.

The art of fire
Smoke fired vessels
This romantic firing technique creates absolutely individual effects on each ceramic piece.
Once made, the still drying vessels are burnished to give them a smooth shiny finish, then bisqued to 900°c. This leaves the body porous and ready to absorb the smoke and vapour. The delicate vessels are then bedded in a mixture of sawdust, seaweed, wood and newspaper – possibly with a sprinkling of salt and copper over all.
The fire is then lit, which smoulders and burns for a number of hours. Once cool the dramatic effects of the smoke and fumes can be seen!
The swirls and shades of colour are entirely determined by the path of flame and smoke over the porous vessels.
The pots are then rinsed off and waxed to a gloss.
Each piece is a wonderful surprise!
Original Ceramics
Diversity of Style

Bird inspirations

Rich and Earthy

Award winning
-1997/ 2015/ 2016 /2019